

At PDMR, we have a highly skilled team of compositors, with more than 10 years experience. Our expertise ranges from simple monographs to highly illustrated children's titles, 4-color textbooks, cookbooks, technical manuals and journals for academic and scientific publishers. We design books/journals in both Mac and Windows platforms using applications such as LaTeX, InDesign, 3B2 and FrameMaker, in line with our client’s requirement.

XML-First Workflow

We started producing journals in XML-first workflow almost 15 years ago and have been consistently producing high-quality content. We initially started with the STI system (with SGML front-end) and then migrated to the Penta typesetting system for XML requirements. Today, our workflow is modeled around LaTeX and InDesign for all journals and legislative books

that require an XML-first workflow. We have strong auto-pagination KPIs built into our system.

With our XML-First workflow, our production process is highly efficient, eliminating the need for
re-creating content across different products. Validations and interactive features are built into the data from the beginning, thereby ensuring rapid delivery across multiple channels.

  •  Supports all types of input format (MS Word, PDF, LaTeX, etc.)
  •  Automated clean-up, normalization and content identification routines
  •  Utilizes industry standards (CrossRef, PubMed) for validating references
  •  Math content managed using <mathML>
  •  Automated composition engine that supports InDesign and LaTeX
  •  Accommodates NLM, JATS, DocBook, BITS, to name a few
  •  Supports multi-lingual content

Creative Design & Seamless Typesetting

We specialize in creating page layouts and cover designs that are smooth and easy to navigate and provide an engaging experience to the readers. Our design philosophy stems from the commitment to provide content that is accessible, comprehensible and memorable. Apart from composition services across the core spectrum of science, math, social studies/humanities and arts, we also provide product design and editorial/production management.

We produce pages with an aesthetic touch, giving shape and breathing life into the author’s work. With over 15 years of experience in the page composition domain, our specialists possess the unique skills to bring an author's work to life. We have managed thousands of books with different levels of complexity, from single column to    multi-column layouts, and from trade books to

design-heavy titles. We design our titles in both Windows and Mac platforms using typesetting engines as per the customer’s requirement.

  • InDesign
  • Quark
  • FrameMaker
  • PageMaker
  • LaTeX

LaTeX offers excellent support for mathematical compositions and multi-lingual text. Our team of LaTeX experts have many years of experience in processing complex journal articles and books in the fields of mathematics, physics and other science disciplines. The difficulty in managing LaTeX work primarily stems from the fact that, being an open source, the market has an ocean of packages, class files and custom LaTex style sheets, which produce differing results in different machines. We have developed a team of experts, who can decipher the tricky style sheets and produce beautiful pages as per the author’s requirement. Our own custom-developed LaTeX-XML workflow enables us to provide cost-saving solutions to our clients who require XML/e-Book outputs as well as the printed versions. Our expertise includes:

  • Editorial assistance in LaTeX workflow
  • Compatibility with all LaTeX packages and customizations
  • Supports digital assets from LaTeX content

We provide digital typesetting services to various industries/sectors:

  • Pre-K12 and higher education books
  • Legal books
  • STEM books
  • Trade books
  • Medical books
  • Travel guides